Service Above Self
Service Above Self

Our Team

West Jordan Rotary Club's members come from a variety backgrounds and experiencie. The club is a wonderful mix of talent and friendships. 

Kelly C. Atkinson - Charter Member


Why I'm a Rotarian: Rotary is the most important non-governmental, non-denominational organization of the face of the earth that actually has a plan to bring more peace and stability to the planet. 


Retired: Ran a professional lobbying business for 21 years. Prior to that was the CEO of various membership organizations in Utah for 30 years. 


Fun facts: Loves golf, sucking air from a regulator, and riding his Harley. 



Penny Atkinson 


Why I am a Rotarian: I am a Rotarian to change the world. Most Americans do not travel outside of the United States. All you need to do is travel 16 hours south from Utah, to know the world is a very different place. We have so much while others have so little. I want to pay my prosperity forward. 


Employment: Retired. Worked for two cities as an Assistant City Manager in the Salt Lake City area, and finished her career as a HR specialist for a medical service and platform provider. 


Fun Facts: PADI Certified Dive Master, Professional Back Seat Harley Rider, First Woman Rotary Governor in District 5420, and hosted 31 Rotary Exchange Students in her home. 



Peter Cardon


Why I’m a Rotarian: The Rotary motto is “Service above Self.” It’s a beautiful ideal. The Rotary community is wonderful at putting this ideal into action. I cherish my Rotary friendships. Life is better with Rotary!

Employment: Professor at the University of Southern California.

Fun facts: Chinese speaker, rock collector, enthusiastic but horrible dancer


Rocio Mujica Aguilar de Mejia  


Past Club President (2014-2015)


Why I am a Rotarian:  I had the honor of being invited to participate in the founding of the Hispanic Rotary Club in Salt Lake City. I invite myself to participate in West Jordan Rotary Club the best club.

Being a Rotarian for me has been of great importance since it requires a great commitment and responsibility, the mission of Rotarian is to have a commitment to the society to which we dedicate time and money and make efforts for its benefit, participating in projects that benefit not only to our local community but to international communities in the world.
Help and give a helping hand to less fortunate communities this is personal motivation. To belong to the Rotary family, it is important to have a series of values that promote the growth and unity of each one of us, responsibility, vocation of service and organization are vital to be part of a Rotary club, these values are important.


Fun Facts: I feel blessed with 2 sons 1 daughter and 2 granddaughters. I am the founder of the Department of Minorities 2000, fundadora del club Hispano Rotario, and founder of the non-profit organization - Una Mano Amiga (UMA) 2002. I have written 4 books on Organ and Tissue Donation theme and work with Donor Connect, a non-profit organization. I also wrote the book Day of the Dead Celebration of Life (Celebración a la Vida Dia de los Muertos) and was recognized in Washington by the Congressional Library.


Contact: 801.450.0849

Rose Pylidis


Why I’m a Rotarian: The reason I joined Rotary is because I so believe in what Rotary does for the less fortunate as well as their amazing efforts to make our world a better place.  Rotary gives help and hope to those who need it most.


Sherile Rickman


Why I am a Rotarian: I am a Rotarian to hopefully make a difference in our community and/or world.  I enjoy assisting others and hope that a smiling face can be of some value.  

I am so honored to be part of this organization and love the friendships and Rotary family I have made.  I would be lost without everyone. We, throughout the years, have donated a lot of service and I’ve grown as a person immensely from this.  Being a Rotarian is a big shoe to fill and this organization has helped me be bigger and better in my everyday life.  I strive to be the best me so I can help others to be the best they can be.  


Employment: Realtor, KW South Valley Keller Williams, since 1993.  Residential is my focus but I do some investing and land deals as well.


Fun Facts: We have a potbelly pig named Penelope!  Super fun.  We also like to spend time in Fish Haven Idaho (Bear Lake) where we have a little piece of land and our trailer. 


Dwayne Woolley


Why I’m a Rotarian: I joined Rotary in 1991 as directed by the president of Kennecott Utah Copper as he wanted his front line people to be more involved in the community.  I especially liked the four-way test as it was something that I already believed in.  Though I changed jobs a few years later I made it a condition of my new employer to allow me to continue my participation and now in retirement I still continue  The friends I’ve made in Rotary and the service opportunities I’ve seen have both been fantastic!

Other Members - Profiles Pending


Kathy Ajer

Rich Ajer

RaNae Bennett

Angie Baldwin

Diana Brown

Mayor Dirk Burton

Seth Caselino

Brenda Cole

Pratt Cole

Craig Dearing

Korban Lee

Stuart Richardson

Doug Schmidt

Reed Searle

Paul Turner

Melissa White

If it is TUESDAY, it’s Rotary!


West Jordan Potential New Member Application
An Interactive Form for those in the community who may be interested in making a difference in the community, in the nation, and on the planet.
West Jordan Interactive Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [87.2 KB]
Microsoft Word document [33.5 KB]

WJ Rotary Board

Diana Brown, President


President-Elect - RaNae Bennett

Treasurer - Diana Brown

Executive Secretary - Dwayne Woolley

Club Service  - Stu Richardson

Membership - Vince Huntsman

Youth Service  - Steve Yancey

TRF - Doug Schmidt

Public Image  - Angela Palmer

Fundraising Director - Pete Cardon

Field of Dream - Steve Gibby

Past and Future President of the West Jordan Rotary Club

Rotary West Jordan Club

# 25006

1987-1988  Robert W. Ladenburger

1988-1989  Paul S. Quist

1989-1990  Wilbern L. McDougal

1990-1991  Lowell K. Brown

1991-1992  Larry J. Bain

1992-1993  Stuart Richardson

1993-1994  Kelly C. Atkinson, PDG

1994-1995  James D. Sargent

1995-1996  Dwayne J. Woolley

1996-1997  Eric Allred

1997-1998  N. Craig Dearing

1998-1999  Corey Nebeker

1999-2000  Max Campbell

2000-2001 Terry Holzworth

2001-2002  Doug Schmidt

2002-2003  Chris Christensen

2003-2004  Penny Atkinson, PDG

2004-2005  Sharon Richardson

2005-2006  Jason Campbell

2006-2007  Terri Belliston

2007-2008  V. Paul Turner

2008-2009  Al Potts

2009-2010  Stuart Richardson

2010-2011  Brenda Cole

2011-2012  Sherile Rickman

2012-2013  Sue Potts

2013-2014  Stephanie Sherrell

2014-2015  Rocio Mejia

2015-2016  Sharon Richardson

2016-2017  Elise McGee 

2017-2018 Kevin McGee

2018-2019 Kelly Atkinson, PDG

2019-2020 Melissa White

2020-2021 Pete Cardon

2021-2022 Alicia Summers

2022-2023 Diana Brown

2023-2024 - Penny Atkinson

2024-25 - RaNae Bennett

2025 - 26 - Angela Palmer


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