Service Above Self
Service Above Self

Club Meetings & Locations

Our club meetings are held on Tuesdays and are usually held at the West Jordan City Hall located at 8000 South Redwood Road in the Community room on the first floor at 12:30 pm (See calendar below to see the program and location for a specific week). We are a luncheon club and bring in lunches from a nearby restaurant for those who wish to eat during our meetings. If you are a visitor and want lunch please reach out the day before to 801-673-2861 and we will order a meal for you. The cost is $12.00. 


On the second Tuesday of each month, we perform service at Tiny Tim's at 6818 S Airport Rd, West Jordan, UT 84084, United States at 12;30 pm. The club purchases pizza for those who attend so there is NO cost for food. If you have any questions, please call 801-673-2861.


During the school year, the third Tuesday of each month we recognize exceptional students at our Student of the Month recognition meeting.


A calendar with specific dates, times, and locations is included below for your convenience!  

Club Calendar

NOTE: To increase the size of the calendar below, hold down the Ctrl key while hitting repeatedly the plus sign on the keyboard until you reach the size desired. 

A Few Old Meetings Synopsis

 Special Membership Event


The club held a membership event at the home of Richard and Kathy Ajer. The event was well attended with the following members and guests attending:


Richard and Kathy Ajer and their guests Rhett and Vicki Sears | Kelly and Penny Atkinson and their guests Rick Lee and Steven and Lix McCombs (Jim Gilmore) | RaNae and Ray Gourley Bennett | Diana Brown | Peter Cardon and his daughter, Audrey | Seth Casalino | Doug Schmidt | Brent Scott | Alicia and Rob Summers with their son, Marc Summers, and Korban Lee, WJ City CAO|

Melissa White | Dwayne and JoAnne Woolley | Jose Valasco and his two guests, Craig and Monique


In all the event was attended by 26 people. The dinner was provided by Famous Dave’s Barbeque. The program was provided by the members of the club including President Summers, addressing the group and speaking on the empowerment of Rotary; Seth Casalino, speaking on why he joined Rotary; and Kelly Atkinson concluded the program by addressing Why Rotary.


Potential members are invited to fill out the New Member application form found on the website, The club will track the attendees to determine how successful the event was at bringing new Rotarians into our club. Members are encouraged to continue inviting potential members to any activity.


Typical Meeting Format 


Attending: Alicia, Kelly, Penny, Pete, Paul, Stu, Rose, Seth, Sherile, Doug (did I miss anyone?)
Meeting Agenda
Happy Bucks
Approval of Budget: Pete made motion; Stu seconded; unanimous vote to approve
Review of Dues structure
Membership: committee is calling to remind and ask members to find potential members for the EOBO Membership Recruitment event on August 7th. Alicia requested that members recommend businesses who might want to become corporate members. Ask around, send names to Alicia to invite. Plaques for businesses to post showing membership status.
Foundation: Encouraging members to create accounts on TRF will now be paid by individuals, rather than dues, so we will focus on letting members know of this change. In addressing what the committee felt like members should be "getting out of Rotary" they mentioned doing more local projects and getting to know our members better by having more socials. They also want to encourage all members to become Paul Harris Members this year.
Alicia mentioned that the Visioning Exercises will be the perfect way to help direct our club in the right way and help us get to know each other. She encouraged all members to attend both meetings.
Youth: RYLA students - three attending from CHHS and one that is the Atkinson's neighbor and son of potential new members. Committee would like to invite Interact and Rotaract members to attend Tuesday meetings a couple of times to get to know each other. Exchange students will be returning next year. Recruitment event will happen in January for the 2022-2023 school year. This is for 10th and 11th grade students. We moved Rose to be on the Youth committee.
Fundraising: tentative date for Field of Dreams event is May 21st. We need to recruit corporate sponsors to be teams, $1,000 per team to play. Goal is to earn $6,000 - $10,000.
Service: August 31st will be Craig Dearing's celebration of service. Field of Dreams repair needs to be done in the evening. Will pick two dates for September. Native American Initiative in Blanding - Stu will be meeting with the group next week, so particulars are coming. What is needed: plumbing, electrical and painting and refurbishing.
Alicia thanked members for their work with their committees.
Adjourned at 1:38 pm


Typical types of Speakers


ATTENDANCE: In no particular order - Kelly and Penny Atkinson, Alicia Summers, Diana Brown, Reed Searle, RaNae Gourley, Rich and Kathy Ajer, Paul Turner  and Doug Schmidt. 


OPENING: The Rotary meeting was held in the Community Room at West Jordan City Hall. Meeting was called to order by President Alicia. A special prayer video was offered by Aiya(see below). The Pledge was led by Kathy Ajer.


ROTARY MOMENT: The Rotary Moment was how a Tom Morrissey, a one-arm child golfer, who overcame this obstacles, learn how to play golf.


PROGRAM: The program was provided by Ken and Joyce Asay, who spoke about their experiences in servicing the people of Iraq. They recounted the refugees fleeing from Iraq, the poverty existing in the camps, the devastation of war. It was amazing.  


The meeting concluded with the recital of the 4-Way text.


$20.00 was collected in cash from Reed S. for lunch. 

Happy Bucks was 121.00 due to a generous donation of $100 from an anonymous source.

RaNae pay for her meal via Venmo  



ATTENDANCE: In no particular order - Kelly and Penny Atkinson, Alicia Summers, Diana Brown, Reed Searle, RaNae Gourley, Seth Casalino, and Doug Schmidt. 


OPENING: The Rotary meeting was held in the Community Room at West Jordan City Hall. Meeting was called to order by President Alicia. The Prayer was offered by Reed Searle. The Pledge was led by President Alicia.


ROTARY MOMENT: The Rotary Moment was a patriotic slide show with a music backdrop sung by Celine Dion, God Bless America (see below).


PROGRAM: The program was provided by Rhonda Wither who was accompanied by her husband, Scott. She spoke of how transformation Freedom Honor Flights are in changing the lives of veteran who have served this country. It was inspirational, patriotic, and moving.


The meeting concluded with the recital of the 4-Way text.


$7.00 collect in cash from Reed S. for lunch. 

Bill for meals: RaNae and Rocio.


If it is TUESDAY, it’s Rotary!


West Jordan Potential New Member Application
An Interactive Form for those in the community who may be interested in making a difference in the community, in the nation, and on the planet.
West Jordan Interactive Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [87.2 KB]
Microsoft Word document [33.5 KB]

WJ Rotary Board

Diana Brown, President


President-Elect - RaNae Bennett

Treasurer - Diana Brown

Executive Secretary - Dwayne Woolley

Club Service  - Stu Richardson

Membership - Vince Huntsman

Youth Service  - Steve Yancey

TRF - Doug Schmidt

Public Image  - Angela Palmer

Fundraising Director - Pete Cardon

Field of Dream - Steve Gibby

Past and Future President of the West Jordan Rotary Club

Rotary West Jordan Club

# 25006

1987-1988  Robert W. Ladenburger

1988-1989  Paul S. Quist

1989-1990  Wilbern L. McDougal

1990-1991  Lowell K. Brown

1991-1992  Larry J. Bain

1992-1993  Stuart Richardson

1993-1994  Kelly C. Atkinson, PDG

1994-1995  James D. Sargent

1995-1996  Dwayne J. Woolley

1996-1997  Eric Allred

1997-1998  N. Craig Dearing

1998-1999  Corey Nebeker

1999-2000  Max Campbell

2000-2001 Terry Holzworth

2001-2002  Doug Schmidt

2002-2003  Chris Christensen

2003-2004  Penny Atkinson, PDG

2004-2005  Sharon Richardson

2005-2006  Jason Campbell

2006-2007  Terri Belliston

2007-2008  V. Paul Turner

2008-2009  Al Potts

2009-2010  Stuart Richardson

2010-2011  Brenda Cole

2011-2012  Sherile Rickman

2012-2013  Sue Potts

2013-2014  Stephanie Sherrell

2014-2015  Rocio Mejia

2015-2016  Sharon Richardson

2016-2017  Elise McGee 

2017-2018 Kevin McGee

2018-2019 Kelly Atkinson, PDG

2019-2020 Melissa White

2020-2021 Pete Cardon

2021-2022 Alicia Summers

2022-2023 Diana Brown

2023-2024 - Penny Atkinson

2024-25 - RaNae Bennett

2025 - 26 - Angela Palmer


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